Butter than Sex

It all starts with natural, high-quality ingredients, a perfected, handmade recipe, and my favorite mixer. All together, you’ll discover a body butter more nourishing & lovely than your skin can even imagine.

“It leaves my skin soft and moisturized all day long” - IG User

"The only thing that helps me sleep at night is your CBD butter!" - IG User

“It leaves my skin soft and moisturized all day long” - IG User "The only thing that helps me sleep at night is your CBD butter!" - IG User

"This is definitely saving me!" - IG User

"The only things that soothes all those aches!" -IG User

"This is definitely saving me!" - IG User "The only things that soothes all those aches!" -IG User

“It's definitely a holy grail!” - IG User

"Best moisturizer by FAR!" - IG User

“It's definitely a holy grail!” - IG User "Best moisturizer by FAR!" - IG User

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market In the alley // @marketinthealley

makers hive // @themakershive

fresh52 farmers market // @fresh52dotcom

LV craft shows // @lvcraftshows

Catch me at my next market!